Твист в сказке Джеффри Арчер

Цена 10.51 - 11.61 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781447221876

Брэнд Pan Books


Издатель Pan Books

Страниц 304

Год выпуска 2014

Форма выпуска 130x200

A lover calls unexpectedly on his mistress and watches another man leave her flat. He confronts her, quarrels with her, strikes her. She dies. Leaving unnoticed, he tips off the police to ensure the other man is arrested and charged... Has he achieved the perfect murder? This is the tantalizing opening to A Twist in the Tale. From a wine-tasting with a bizarre difference, to a game of sex with a beautiful stranger, from a violent row in a golf clubhouse bar, to a rivalry founded on eating cornflakes... This cunningly constructed, fast-moving, entertaining set of stories from the bestselling author will sweep you along on a journey that you"ll never forget.