Amazon Categories Create Best Sellers: Making author publicity an open book (Volume 1)

With the exception of 5 days, an IMMEDIATE KINDLE BESTSELLER in multiple categories the first 36 weeks of publication! How do so many authors get a bestseller? Amazon created an ingenious marketing engine that drills your book through several layers of free and automated Amazon and Kindle book promotion. Each layer is completely unique, and each layer reaches millions of readers every minute of every day, YOUR target market. Book categories can propel your book into a publicity campaign like you"ve never dreamed of, courtesy (and cost) of has wisely structured their site for auto book promotion, promotion and more promotion applied to each book without bias, whether you are Indie publishing or traditional. But few authors are aware of the tendrils of opportunity extending from your sales page to your target audience. And those lead to more and those lead to more and... Until Amazon has created another print and Kindle best seller.Even lesser known is that your Amazon...