The Biblical Institute

Цена 21.56 - 30.83 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781572581753

Брэнд Teach Services Inc

Страниц 360

Год выпуска 2012

In 1877, Elders James White and Uriah Smith, gave a series of lectures on the principal doctrines of what Seventh-day Adventists teach and believe. These lectures were published the following year. This facsimile edition of these lectures, once again, offers a rare glimpse on the historic beliefs of the early pioneers.Some of the major topics include: Angels Baptism Christ in the Old Testament Destiny of the Wicked Gifts of the Spirit Millennium Nature of Man 144,000 Revelation 12, 13, and 14 70 Weeks and 2300 Days Sabbath and First Day of Week Sanctuary Second Advent Seven Churches, Seals, and Trumpets Seven Last Plagues Visions of Daniel A thorough study of these all-important themes will help allwho desire to acquaint themselves with a better understanding of what early Adventists taught and believed.