First Fault Software Problem Solving. A Guide for Engineers, Managers and Users

Цена 16.24 - 21.20 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781906717421

Брэнд Opentask


Страниц 182

Год выпуска 2009

Форма выпуска 152x220

Written by a veteran in mission-critical computer system problem resolution, problem prevention, and system recovery, this book discusses solving problems on their FIRST occurrence while emphasizing software supportability and serviceability. Who should read this book? Software professional engineers and managers; End-users, system administrators and their managers; Software engineering students. What will the readers of this book learn? How to optimize use of pre-existing software problem solving features; How to choose the best products to improve first fault problem-solving; How to get the best results when problems occur on outsourced and cloud-placed work; How to choose amongst first-fault tools, second-fault tools, and manual problem solving methods to best advantage for difficult problems; How to be an educated consumer or creator of future problem-solving software. What is the business value of reading this book? Saving money on problem solving resources (servers, storage, network, software, power, space, cooling, personnel); Keeping customers happier since their issues are resolved sooner; Reducing the durations of computer service outages that affect external clients; Decreasing operational overhead and encouraging sustainable, higher-performing organizations and enterprises through best problem-solving practices. What else is special about this book? 21 original illustrations to feed the soul and tickle the funny-bone; 21 thought-provoking quotes to feed the intell...