USA to Z. A Celebration of American Popular Culture
Цена 13.15 - 15.95 USD
What do Raggedy Ann dolls, grizzly bears, Texas papershell pecans, and country music legend Patsy Cline have in common? They are all wondrously American phenomena, as much a part of our national heritage as the flag. What about the Golden Gate Bridge, Wurlitzer jukeboxes, sizzling hot Louisiana pepper sauce, and comedian Jack Benny? The connection is the same -- they are in USA to Z. One of the most compelling and delightful popular culture treasuries published in decades, USA to Z tells the story of Ivory Soap and the Model-T Ford, probes the intricate glories of Navajo rugs and Frank Lloyd Wright architecture, and celebrates the genius of Benny Goodman and Humphrey Bogart. Organized from A to Z, it is a whimsical collection of more than 350 of our country9s finest products, richest traditions, and most inspiring people. Readers will learn, laugh, and -- as a bonus -- find out how they can personally enjoy each and every one of the great things mentioned in the book. How to make a Dagwood sandwich. How to buy a little Radio Flyer wagon for their kids. Where to see a dancing armadillo. Just keep turning the pages. It's probably here.