The Book of Adam and Eve

Цена 18.20 - 19.89 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781585092499

Брэнд Book Tree


Страниц 268

Год выпуска 2005

This book reveals the life and times of Adam and Eve after they were expelled from the Garden of Eden, up to the time when Cain killed his brother Abel. It covers where they went, where they lived, and their various troubles and temptations, including those coming from Satan. It is interesting because it provides one with more information to work with beyond the standard Biblical account. It is important because it has survived for so long, mostly in other languages, including Arabic and Ethiopic. It seems to have been written a few centuries before Christ, and parts of it can be found in the "Koran" of Islam and the Jewish "Talmud".