Telepathic Hallucinations - The New View Of Ghosts

Цена 24.35 - 51.62 USD

Do YOU believe in Ghosts Most educated men nowadays, it may be anticipated, would answer, No. A majority, or at lowest, a substantial minority of educated Europeans, at any date within the last two hundred years, would probably have given a similar answer had the question been put to them. But by the greater number of the human race at the present day and by leariled aild unleariled, civilised and uncivilised alike, at any previous period in the worlds history, an answer would unhesitatilgly have been returned in the affirinative. In fact the belief in ghosts has been so widespread that it may almost be claimed as universal. Thc very conception of a future life is intinlately bouid up witth the belief it has left its traces on all the religiols in the world. The elaborate arrangements for embalming the dead amongst the Egyptians, the offerings to the dead which formed part of the funeral ceremonies in early civilisations, and are still found througout a great part of the world at the...