Room 17 "Where History Comes Alive!" Book II, Explorers

Цена 8.83 - 12.25 USD

The excitement is on again in Room 17! Travel with our group of time travel explorers through the learning pod and back into time where they meet none other than Sir Francis Drake! Meet a parrot named Billy Be Hanged and find out what it really was like to be a pirate and an explorer in the days of old! Learn about the struggles and the real realities of those who braved the waves of yesteryear to discover new worlds and new cultures they could never have imagined, and find out why Vic is a true hero and what he did for one of his classmates. Most importantly, take the time to look inside of yourself and try to discover exactly who you are. Ask yourself what you would do of you went back in time and how you would handle the dangers and excitement of an adventure you could not have imagined in your wildest dreams! This is Book II of the "Where History Comes Alive" Book Series, and author and fourth grade teacher Paula Parton has done it again! From her beautifully painted cover to the...