The State of Africa 2010/11. Parameters and Legacies of Governance and Issue Areas

Цена 31.46 - 56.70 USD

The State of Africa series project was conceived by the Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA) during its 2003-2004 financial year for purposes of mapping out on a regular basis critical issue areas relating to intra- and inter-African as well as extra-African relations. The first and second volumes of the series were published in 2004 and 2008 respectively. Volume 1: The State of Africa: Thematic and Factual Review served as an exploratory piece and covered a broad range of issues relating to politics and governance, millennium development goals (MDGs), peace and conflict and regional development. Volume 2: The State of Africa: Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development focused thematically and examined - from critical and comprehensive perspectives - issues associated with post-conflict in Africa. The volume was grounded on the continent"s quest for conflict prevention, management and resolution as a means of creating an enabling environment for the consolidation of democracy and...