The Small Business Marketing Bible

Why do so many "gurus" make out marketing to be such a complicated process? It"s no wonder most business owners avoid it! Winning at marketing really requires only two things - a compelling sales message and an identified niche to communicate this message to. In The Small Business Marketing Bible, you will learn how to: - Identify what is UNIQUE about you and your business. - Charge what you are really worth (yes, you are UNDERCHARGING)! - Create a powerful marketing message which makes people take ACTION. - Take away any fears your customers have around BUYING FROM YOU. - Create HUGE CREDIBILITY in the eyes of your clients. - Discover how to win REPEAT BUSINESS from customers who love you. - Create RAVING FANS who tell others about your business. - Help your clients to SPEND MORE and thank you for it! - Turn complaints into HAPPY CUSTOMERS. - Identify what to test and how to test it to find WHAT WORKS BEST. - And much more, of course! The best news is that all of these ideas cost...