Quick Win Business Communication. Answers to Your Top 100 Business Communication Questions

Цена 15.10 - 33.70 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781781190982

Брэнд Oak Tree Press

Страниц 184

Год выпуска 2014

Форма выпуска 148x210

QUICK WIN BUSINESS COMMUNICATION is written for business people who recognise how vital effective communi¬cation is to their own success and to the success of their organisations. While you are reading through the answers to your questions, other business people may be discussing missions, goals, losses, profits, overheads, policies, budgets, loans, promotions, strategic plans, product development, training, hiring, technology, downsizing, take¬overs, global competitiveness, office parties, desk arrangements, coffee breaks, or office supplies. Imagine the implications if you can't understand what is being discussed online, in webinars, boardrooms, offices, or at lunch. Imagine the implications if your colleagues don't understand your views or are unable to articulate their own. Whether you are ordering paper for the copier or making long-range hiring plans, if communication fails, the outcome is confusion. Therefore, let's examine ways of ensuring a happier outcome. There are six sections to this book: • Business Communication Essentials covers some of the fundamental questions that business people have about what makes an effective communicator and why it matters. It also explains the communication process in theory and what may prevent you from being clear; • Business Communication Techniques answers questions ranging from unblocking communication to the importance of valuing people and includes topics like the importance of word choices, organising your thought...