So the Vicar"s Leaving

Цена 25.02 USD

This very practical companion provides essential guidance and advice for that critical period in the fife of a parish between one vicar and the next. SO THE VICAR IS LEAVING is a vital handbook for churchwardens, PCCs, readers and all who share in the responsibility for leading a church through an interregnum. It focuses on many practical issues including: • arranging the regular services • providing for continuing pastoral care • maintaining the church buildings • managing the parish efficiently • working with deanery or diocesan colleagues to find a new vicar • welcoming your new priest Written with the specific aim of helping to make an interregnum a positive time of growth, this resource will be welcomed by local churches, by vicars about to leave or about to join a parish and by rural deans, archdeacons and others who assist parishes through such a time. MIKE ALEXANDER is a rural dean and vicar of six churches in South Derbyshire. He was previously Laity Development Adviser for...