The Religious Experience of the Roman People (Dodo Press)

Цена 28.94 - 34.48 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781409933144

Брэнд Dodo Press


Страниц 500

Год выпуска 2008

William Warde Fowler (1847-1921) was an English historian and ornithologist, and tutor at Lincoln College, Oxford. He was best known for his works on ancient Roman religion. His most influential work was The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic (1899). Amongst his other works are: Tales of the Birds (1888), A Year with the Birds (1891), Julius Caesar and the Foundation (1892), Summer Studies of Birds and Books (1895), The City-State of the Greeks and Romans (1895), A Brief Memoir of John Coke Fowler (1901), More Tales of the Birds (1902), Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero (1909), The Tragic Element of Shakespeare"s "Julius Caesar" (1910), The Religious Experience of the Roman People (1911), Rome (1912), Kingham Old and New (1913), Virgil"s "Gathering of the Clans" (1916), Essays in Brief for War-Time (1916), Aeneas at the Site of Rome (1917), The Death of Turnus (1919) and Roman Essays and Interpretations (1920).