Christian-Jewish Dialogue
Цена 43.92 USD
or the author of this important book, a revised understanding of Judaism, and of Christianity"s relationship to the Jewish people, is vital for the future of Christian Jewish dialogue. Braybrooke views the record of Jesus" ministry not as a Christian argument against Judaism but as a contribution to the continuing discussion about the obedience that God requires, which cuts across religious divides. He makes it clear that the first Jews who believed in Jesus did not think they were joining a new religion. It was only when the Christians became predominantly Gentile and adopted Hellenistic ways of thought that christological and trinitarian doctrines developed, creating an unbridgeable gap between the two religions. This major contribution to interfaith relations concludes that Christians need to return to the thinking of the New Testament, not only to heal centuries of anti Judaism and Christian triumphalism, but to make sense for today of the, conviction that God was in Christ. The...