We Drink from Our Own Wells
Цена 66.50 USD
A significant event in the development of liberation theology was the publication of We Drink from Our Own Welfs:The Spiritual Journey of a People by Gustavo Gutierrez. Gutierrez"s book was the fulfilment of the promise implicit in his earlier A Theology of Liberation, which was first published in 1971 and quickly became a charter for Latin American theologians and pastoral workers. We Drink from Our Own Wells is the nuanced articulation of the Christ-encounter as experienced by the poor of Latin America in their struggle to affirm their human dignity and claim their true identity as the sons and daughters of God. Such is the writing that it is impossible to reduce liberation theology to a political movement.The spirituality of We Drink from Our Own Wells does not allow for such reductionism. The telling of this spiritual journey has had a profound impact on Christians around the giobe. Here in this SCM Classic edition, the text is introduced to us by Marcella Althaus-Reid, who...