The Art of Tentmaking
Цена 40.50 - 110.60 USD
"The persistent voice of Richard Giles, author of Repitching the Tent and Creating Uncommon Worship amongst other things, has been almost unique in the Anglican tradition in this generation in insisting that it is how you do church - how the liturgy is celebrated and how this is expressed in the way the community gathers in and moves through the building - that challenges and changes the people of God, and offers them the chance of actually becoming the body of Christ in a particular place. Sometimes this voice must have felt like one crying in the wilderness, and it was to Philadelphia in the USA that Richard was eventually called as Dean rather than to an English cathedral. But his writing and speaking as well as what this former town-planner turned priest achieved in the buildings he re-ordered have witnessed to his single-minded determination to share his vision for what might be. This volume marks his considerable achievement with a mixture of reminiscence, reflection and...