Moving On to Great Faith

Цена 11.66 - 15.05 USD

Your job on earth might soon be accomplished: You arrive in heaven where a crown of righteousness awaits you because you are a child of God. But will you be commended in heaven for your faith on earth? Focusing on the account of the Canaanite woman found in Matthew 15:21-28, Pastor Rick Ciaramitaro explores five major ways a believer"s faith is tested and grows. Pastor Ciaramitaro also provides concise and biblically sound responses to some of our most troubling questions, like "Where is God now?" "Why is this happening to me?" and "Will I be able to overcome?" Great simplicity is achieved by appealing to the basic premise that God uses adverse circumstances to test and develop our faith. Will your faith pass the test of trouble, divine delays and the silent treatment? Will you escape or endure the jeers of dispassionate brethren and the rebuke of heaven? Will you pass the humility test? Before you can move onto great faith, all five tests must be encountered and passed.