An Undivided Love

Цена 13.50 - 14.35 USD

"If Charles Spurgeon was the prince of preachers in Victorian England, Adolphe Monod was the noblest preacher of the French revivals. With unequalled passion and clarity he brings the unassuming listener not merely to the foot of the cross, but to Jesus himself, as he is clothed in the gospel. Even if you are expecting to be moved by these messages you will be surprised and deeply comforted by their simple and compelling power." - William Edgar "English-speaking Evangelicals are, as a general rule, quite ignorant of the spiritual riches found in other Evangelical cultures. That of the French Calvinist tradition, coming down from Calvin and men like Pierre Viret, is a good case in point. The most vibrant representative of this tradition in the nineteenth century has to be Adolphe Monod. His sermons are food for the soul, but he is hardly known by contemporary North American Evangelicals. May this excellent sampling of his preaching, marked by rich piety and doctrinal clarity, help...