Daniel (Old Testament Library)
Цена 77.35 USD
Here is an excellent and up-to-date commentary on Daniel that can be unreservedly commended. There is a good, though brief, introduction, in which especial attention is paid to the discussion of the literary affinities of Daniel. The original translation takes account of all relevant recent work, while the commentary is full and first class. The author has read and digested a considerable amount of modern literature on Daniel and brought to it his own careful and balanced judgement. His critical positions are rarely new, but in the reviewer"s opinion they are sound - and sound judgement is better than novelty! On many of the problems of the book an incredible amount has been written, expressing an enormous variety of opinions. Professor Porteous is not concerned with the history of interpretation, and contents himself with a brief treatment of such questions, presenting his own considered view or suspending judgement where a decision between competing views cannot be made with...