The Dead Sea Scrolls

The Penguin edition of Dr Vermes" The Dead Sea Scrolls in English must now be one of the most widely read books on the Qumran discoveries, containing as it does an attractive translation of the texts and comments on them. This companion volume, unique of its kind, takes a wider view and is the best available account of the background to the Dead Sea Scrolls and the modern discussions of their interpretation. Dr Vermes treats the finds in the Judaean desert, the authenticity and dating of the scrolls, the Qumran library, the life and institutions of the sects, the identification of the Qumran community, the group"s history, its religious ideas and ideals, and the impact of the scrolls on biblical studies. The ample bibliographical material, updated for this edition, and the suggestions for reading specific texts help to make this a marvellous guidebook. `Brings us up to date on the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls, taking its place at the head of the line of introductions to the subject...