Signature Golf Swing: Stop fighting with complicated swing mechanics!

Цена 75.00 - 140.20 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780956963307

Брэнд Kopanski Publishing


Страниц 152

Год выпуска 2012

Build your own golf swing by simplifying the basics to naturally hit longer and straighter, injury free. This premium edition of Signature Golf Swing comprises 150 pages and is illustrated in full colour. For Black and White see ISBN 978-0-9569633-3-8. The golf swing is a natural movement which has been extremely over-complicated, extensively over-analysed and therefore completely misunderstood. This inevitably results in consistently poor and injury prone golf. Each and every golf swing is unique and yours is no different. Learn how to dynamically position your body ready to spring into action and how to build your own golf swing by simplifying the basics to naturally fit your body, the way your golf swing should. Learn to hit longer and straighter golf shots time and again, utilising the power of your whole body whilst ensuring that your golf remains injury free. Practise makes perfect. This is especially true when in a controlled environment, using simple objects available to...