Golf"s Golden Rule: What Every Pro Does Instinctively . . . And You Don"t

Цена 22.86 - 57.18 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781907642548

Брэнд Elliott & Thompson

Страниц 224

Год выпуска 2012

The ultimate golf manual from world-renowned coaches—discover the impact zone and transform your swing The different elements of a good golf swing—the impact zone, backswing, and finish—are analyzed in this practical, in-depth guide. The impact zone, an area measuring a couple of feet before the ball and a couple after it, is what good golf is all about. As such, it should be studied, practiced, and trained more than anything else, yet it isn"t. Hundreds of instruction manuals and DVDs fail to deal with it in any real sense, but impact should not be left as a blur. Impact is the precise moment that decides where the ball will go, at what trajectory, and at what speed. Here, two experienced coaches reveal the secrets that every golf pro knows instinctively, but that modern teaching has nearly forgotten about. The most up-to-date golf manual focusing on impact in detail as the key part to perfecting a good swing, this book will revolutionize your game.