Hit Down Dammit!: The Key to Golf

Цена 21.24 - 42.76 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780978194000

Брэнд Thornhill Press


Страниц 112

Год выпуска 2012

Most golfers have difficulty with the concept of hitting down at the ball to make it fly. Surprisingly, a great many players surveyed did not even know you need to hit down to get the ball up in the air. Hit Down Dammit! concisely explains the concept - and the technique - of hitting down at the golf ball for proper trajectory, increased backspin, much improved distance, proper divot taking, and best of all: consistent shotmaking. If you are inadvertently - or intentionally - hitting up at the ball, Hit Down Dammit! is for you. If you are a seasoned amateur who has inexplicably “plateaud” - just cannot seem to get to the next level despite lessons and/or acquiring a library of books and videos - Hit Down Dammit! is for you. Symptoms of hitting up include (but are not limited to): - topping the ball - skulling the ball - pushing the ball - slicing the ball - poor distance - difficulty getting off back foot - poor backspin - no divot - fat divots - chunking the ball - thin/fat chip...