Practical Golf Course Maintenance: The Magic of Greenkeeping

Цена 60.64 - 150.78 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781118143742

Брэнд Wiley

Страниц 272

Год выпуска 2012

The revised, bestselling resource of practical, nontechnical advice for maintaining and operating a golf coursePractical Golf Course Maintenance, Third Edition presents the latest information and techniques for providing first-rate upkeep and management operations for any golf course. This book"s, clear, step-by-step coverage, unencumbered by technical language, includes critical advice on maintaining consistent bunkers, sand top-dressing and aerifying, pesticide storage, and other emerging technologies, as well as mowing techniques for greens, fairways, and tees?and much more!This updated Third Edition offers reliable, state-of-the-art guidance and hundreds of helpful tips with:Major revisions throughout to address the latest information on computer- operated irrigation systems, new equipment for all aspects of course maintenance, water quality and conservation issues, and managing peopleA clear approach that avoids technical language and scientific citations while delivering...