Niebuhr in Egypt
Цена 49.50 - 98.00 USD
As a member of the Royal Danish Expedition to Arabia in the 1760s, Carsten Niebuhr is justly celebrated for his contribution to an understanding of the Arab world. The most concentrated period of time he and the expedition spent together was not, however, in Arabia at all, but in Egypt. The sojourn in that country was an unexpected boon, Egypt not even appearing on the expedition"s original itinerary. It presented the opportunity for an undertaking with an avowedly biblical purpose. When Niebuhr and his companions were detained for a year in Egypt in 1761-62, it was, after all, in a place that some have called the cradle of the Jewish people. Although Egypt had existed for millennia, with or without the Jews, the notion that its history served as little more than stage setting for the drama of mankind as played out in the Hebrew Scriptures was pervasive in eighteenth-century Europe. Freed for the year from the painstaking instructions of Professor Johann David Michaelis, the foremost...