Bonnie Kaye"s Straight Talk

Bonnie Kaye’s Straight Talk is a collection of the best of her monthly newsletters from 2001 – 2008. These are the newsletters that her support network members call their “lifeline” when unraveling the complexities of their marriages to their gay husbands. In Kaye’s own words, “This is the best survival guide for women who suspect or find out that their husbands are homosexual. These newsletters were written from my heart about my own life experiences as well as those of some of my support network members. I clearly explain how and why your husbands are gay, as well as provide good advice on how to handle those difficult situations such as rebuilding your sexual and self-esteem. After reading this book, you will understand how to make the only rational choice to survive emotionally after this happens to you. It will help you identify with the millions of other women in this situation who can identify and feel every raw emotion you are going through now, and understand the...