Forecasting Examples for Business and Economics Using SAS(R)

Цена 30.90 - 54.42 USD

Numerous step-by-step examples show you--the economist, business forecaster, student, or researcher--how to use SAS to generate forecasts for a variety of business and economic data. Examples are based on both time series models and econometric models. You"ll learn how to use SAS to forecast time series data using Box-Jenkins ARIMA methodology; develop and forecast transfer functions and intervention models; fit and forecast regression models with autocorrelated, heteroskedastic, and ARCH-GARCH error terms; estimate nonlinear regression models; create forecast confidence limits using Monte Carlo simulation; and more! The main focus of the book is on the code-based procedures in SAS/ETS software, but this book also provides an introduction to the interactive Time Series Forecasting System, and it shows how to plot data and forecasts with SAS/GRAPH software.