Think Like a Zebra

Цена 9.99 - 15.25 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9789655500219

Брэнд Contento De Semrik

Страниц 226

Год выпуска 2011

When did we last enlist the help of the lion...the zebra... the chameleon... the owl... thekangaroo... and their friends, the other creativethinking coaches in the animal world?In a clever modern fable, the animals revealtheir creative strategies. In Part Two of the book,they show us how to apply them to our ownprivate jungle: in business, in the family, in ourrelationships.The ANIMAL COACHES impart the secrets ofcreativity: They teach us to let go... to changeproportions... to replicate... to alter perceptions& feelings... to find new connections... to turnthings on their head... to live withcontradictions... to create absurdities... toharness resources... to break new ground...There's never a dull moment in this fable.We share in the questions, banter, arguments,and rules, all seasoned with a pinch of humor.