John Wesley, Jr.

Цена 17.99 - 20.82 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781409955962

Брэнд Dodo Press


Страниц 224

Год выпуска 2009

"The meeting was just breaking up, after a speech whose closing words had been a shade less tactful than the occasion called for. But the last two sentences of that speech made all the difference in the world to John Wesley, Jr. The Epworth League of First Church, Delafield, was giving one of its fairly frequent socials. The program had gone at top speed for more than an hour. All that noise could do, re-enforced by that peculiar emanation by youth termed "pep, " had been drawn upon to glorify a certain forthcoming event with whose name everybody seemed to be familiar, for all called it simply "the Institute. "