The Cut of Her Jib

Цена 15.26 - 21.88 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781457503504


Страниц 244

Год выпуска 2011

Imagine your husband being gone for 2 or 3 years, out of touch but for the very occasional letter. That was what young Faith faced after she and Seth Nickerson met and fell in love. This historical novel follows the awakening and growing love between a young, landlubber schoolteacher and a dashing sea captain. It is a colorful and inviting story of the exciting, dangerous, and tedious life at sea and the lonely, but amiable life on land during the 1840s and 1850s. Faith Basset had left the inland farm of her family to teach school in the seacoast town of Cotuit. Although it was only 5 miles from her Cape Cod home, she had never seen the sea. She fell instantly in love with the sound and power of the water, and soon she fell in love with dashing Cap’t Nickerson as well. Clara Nickerson Boden tells their story with the clarity and detail of her grandmother’s prose and her own talent for telling us about the place and people she loved. At that time, there was a captain in every...