Wreck This Box

Цена 24.75 - 45.00 USD

Книга 1, Wreck this Journal, Книга 2, This is not a Book, Книга 3, Mess: The Manual of Accidents and Mistakes Wreck This Box: Put staples in the box in an interesting - pattern. Make a collage on one of the panels, paint over it, glue on photographs, scraps of paper, pieces of string... Write a secret message to yourself inside the box. This is Not a Box: This is not a Box it"s a planter. Poke holes in the Bottom, Fill with dirt, and plant some seeds! This is not a box it"s a diorama create a miniature scene inside! This is not a Box it"s a disguise. Cut out the glasses on the top panel. Mess Up the Box: Cover this Box with Gum. Leave the box out in the rain. Use the Box to Build a sandcastle.