The Booming of Acre Hill by John Kendrick Bangs, Fiction, Fantasy, Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology

Цена 9.86 - 16.13 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781606642689

Брэнд Aegypan


Страниц 132

Год выпуска 2009

Форма выпуска 152x220

BANGS BOOMS!The specimen of the species herein: Dumfries Corners.In this volume Bangs booms delightfully on suburbs (and the "urbs", of course) in such pieces as:"The Strange Misadventures of an Organ" in which a philosopher resident of Dumfries Corners must a make an odd decision about a church organ."An Affinitive Romance" in which a man and a woman who are perfect for one another never meet -- and so, live happily ever after.And, of course, the title piece "The Booming of Acre Hill" in which we meet the Acre Hill Land Improvement Company and the ghastly spectacle of the Acre Hill Country Club.John Kendrick Bangs booms satirically indeed!