Housing Stress Analysis of Selected Housing Areas in Khulna City

Housing stress portraits the existing condition of housing in terms of some selected indicators. It is a vital tool for accessing the accessibility of existing service and facilities in a certain area for its dwellers. Often this type of tools are effective for the city development authority to identify the extent of improvements required for the betterment of the dweller in order to ensure better housing condition. This paper shows a method of housing stress analysis in selected areas of Khulna, Bangladesh. This paper also shows how socio-economic information of the dwellers along with the spatial information can be used together for planning for the housing of an urban area. Using simple geographic-information system (GIS) tools this initiatives can be amplified for the housing provision of a entire city. The findings of the paper shows, a very few of the area are served with better housing facilities. For further extension of the area and providing service and facilities by the...