Falconry Manual
Цена 17.95 - 65.65 USD
A Falconry Manual is a comprehensive, extensively updated version of his out of print book- Hawks, Falcons and Falconry (Hancock House 1976) and The Compleat Falconer (Hancock House 1992).Drawing on over 50 years of field experience and research, Beebe presents an exhaustive summary of the behavior, capture, and training of the-birds-of-prey. It was Beebe's field studies and practical experience that led to his pioneering successes in breeding captive falcons in the early 1960s. His artistic talents not only contribute to the concise illustrations on how to capture and train birds but how to easily make all falconry hardware.One of the all-time best books for new Apprentices to learn about training a new hawk or falcon and one of the best selling falconry books ever produced.