Advanced Microcontroller Trainer Using 8051,AVR and PIC

Advanced Microcontroller trainer is an innovative idea in embedded systems projects. It includes replaceable Microcontrollers interface cards user can plug a card of his choice whether PIC, AVR or 8051 microcontroller and test his code. It facilitates Embedded system labs with Touch Screen and GSM Module. The trainer made in very low cost also reduces the overall project cost and implementation issues are addressed effectively. This project enlightened the importance of such equipment and effectively addressed the need of such useful and low cost projects. It should be noted that the Trainer’s manufacturing requires accurate PCB design and soldering of the components. If possible already pressed double layer PCB’s of fiber should be used to avoid any inconvenience. After going through the rigorous pressure of the workload and immense research the fruit of shear hard work and excellence has been achieved. Alhamdulillah the fabrication although not fully ideal has been completed. ...