Healing in the Light & the Art and Practice of Creativity

Healing In The Light & The Art and Practice of Creativity consist of two separate writings. One is written for the youth of today, the other for those creators of the beautific light. "We have thought that procreation was just physical but, in actuality, its essence is spiritual. For our spirits to live, we must be in balance or union with our other half." Healing In The Light "The second abstraction (and perhaps the greater one in cognitive intensity) of a two fundamental or primary forces is the opening of the pathway that leads to the comprehension of the fundamental principle. Unless or until that distinction is made between a one order and a two (metaphysical) forces, the fundamental principle, in its entirety, will and does remain hidden preventing the beautific light from shining from each (partially) conscious soul." The Art and Practice of Creativity Author Bio: Christopher Alan Anderson (1950 - ) received the basis of his education from the University of Science and...