Food as Medicine

The concept of "food as medicine" is rooted in our most ancient of traditions, including Greek, Indian and Chinese medicine. If we consider the anthropological evidence it is very likely that our hunter-gatherer ancestors learned about medicinal herbs by observing wild animals deliberately eating certain plants in their diet as a way to treat different health issues. For all of nature and throughout the history of traditional medicine there has never been any real separation between food and medicine, and the present work aims to restore this connection. Informed by the theory and practices of Ayurveda and scientific research, Food As Medicine: The Theory and Practice of Food provides a practical and lucid model of what food is, how it impacts your health, and how to make the best choices in your diet - depending on your individual needs. Includes meal plans and recipes. Todd Caldecott is a trained medical herbalist and practitioner of Ayurveda, in practice since 1997. He is a...