Vision - Its Development in Infant and Child

Цена 29.22 - 55.65 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781406774856

Брэнд Dodo Pr


Страниц 348

Год выпуска 2007

VISION ITS DEVELOPMENT IN INFANT AND CHILD BY ARNOLD GESELL, M. D. FRANCES L. ILG, M. D. GLENNA E. BULLIS Assisted by VIVIENNE ILG, O. D. and G. N. GETMAN, O. D. PAUL B. HOEBER, INC. MEDICAL BOOK DEPARTMENT OF HARPER i-BROTHERS PREFACE The background, scope, and genesis of the present volume are out lined in an introductory chapter which follows. There is not much more which needs to be said by way of preface. The investigations of the Yale Clinic of Child Development since its founding in 1911 have been mainly concerned with the growth aspects of early human behavior. All told, the behavior characteristics of 34 age levels have been charted, encompassing the first ten years of life. An intensive longitudinal study of a group of five infants in 1927 estab lished methods for a systematic normative survey. These methods in cluded developmental examinations and inventories at lunar month intervals during the first year of life. Concurrent cinema records were analyzed to define...