Модест Мусоргский: Шедевры вокального творчества
Мелодия M. P. MussorgskyVocal Art Masterpieces Eugene Nesterenko, bass Vladimir Krainev, pienoModest Mussorgsky (1839-1881)1 Darling Savishna (text by M. Mussorgsky) 1.022 The Garden by the Don (text by A. Koltsov) 2.453 A Lullaby for Eremushka (text by N. Nekrasov) 4.104 Mephistopheles" Song of the Flea 3.02 (text by I. Goethe у translation by A. Strugovschikov)Song Cycle "Songs and Dances of Death" (text by A. GoIenischev-Kutuzov):5 Lullaby 5.436 Serenade 4.187 Trepak 4.528 The Field Marshal 5.36Song Cycle "Sunless" (text by A. Golenischev- Kutuzov):9 Within Four Walls 1.3710 Thou didst not Know Me in the Crowd 0.4411 The Idle, Noisy Day is Ended 3.2512 Boredom 1.5813 Elegy 3.5614 On the river 5.0015 Musical Pamphlet "Gallery" (text by M. Mussorgsky) 11.47Total time: 60.53Records of 1979 (1-8), 1974 (9-15) Sound producer - M. Pahter Remastering - V. Titov Editor - A. Zhitkova Design - I. Kryukov