Guitar For Two (СD)

Цена 2.24 USD

labirint.ru2.24 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 4607095263158

Производитель OOO "Skazki pro"

Издатель WWW Records

Год выпуска 2006

Romantic melodies 1. Time of inspiration 4.29;1. Clouds 6.38;2. Autumn in Manhattan 4.05;3. Evening spree 6.04;4. In the full moon light 7.21;5. Romantic feelings 3.21;6. Early Autumn 7.37;7. My soul friends 6.32;9. Ballad for two 5.27;10. Magic fingers 4.47;11. It"s for you 3.08;12. Drops 6.58;13. Christmas night 7.25;Total Time 72.52.