Lyme Disease in Australia

Does Lyme disease really exist in Australia? Could this possibly be the missing link in thousands who are suffering with debilitating chronic health problems, where no other cause can be found? Are Australian doctors unaware of recent studies that show that Lyme disease does in fact exist in Australia, and that their sickest patients may have this disease? These are the questions that Naturopathic Physician Nicola McFadzean, ND, will answer for you in this groundbreaking and life-saving book. A native Australian who was trained in medicine in the United States, Dr. Nicola has treated more than 1000 Lyme disease patients on both continents, over 400 in Australia alone. This long-awaited book not only takes you on a journey of discovery through the history, politics, and science of Lyme disease in Australia, it also provides practical guidelines for diagnosing and treating the disease from both a holistic/naturopathic perspective, and an allopathic/pharmaceutical perspective. Find out...