Entrepreneurial Practice

Law is at once increasingly broad and increasingly specialized. Law in our complex, technical, regulatory state affects more people more frequently and more deeply than ever before. More federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations cover more trades, professions, and industries, control more lands, premises, and activities, and create more liability and risk, than the nation has ever known. At the same time, and consequently, the middle class and poor have less access to reasonable-cost, reasonably appropriate and timely law services than ever before. Vast numbers of underserved individuals are losing their jobs, homes, health, finances, families, and futures because of their inability to locate, afford, and deploy timely, appropriate, and well-fitted law services, threatening and depleting the middle class. Lawyers will meet these new needs to preserve and promote a strong middle class, by packaging, pricing, and delivering law services in new ways, in a shift called...