Esther Waters - A Play in Five Acts

Цена 6.95 - 15.43 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781443772693

Брэнд Quinn Press


Страниц 168

Год выпуска 2008

PREFACE THE Stage Society wished to produce Esther Waters, but alas the vanity of man prompted the thought that it was beneath my dignity to submit the play to the judgment of the Committee, and so we found ourselves in an alley to which there seemed to be no outlet, until it occurred to me that I could not do better than to write to Bernard Shaw, and he sent me the following postcard in reply I have tried every possible way of bringing about the correct position, but it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than to get any sort of delicate nztance of manners into the head of a well-intentioned British committee. Whelens difficulty is that if he pledges himself to anything, his committee may throw him over. He knows by experience that a play has to be quite extraordinarily bad to obtain unanimous support. All our great achievements with Ibsen, Tolstoy, Tchekoff, C., have been scraped through by snatched divisions, and majorities of one at that. An exquisite play by...