Vietnam: A View From the Front Lines

Цена 18.74 - 48.29 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781849089722

Брэнд Osprey Publishing


Издатель Osprey Publishing

Страниц 312

Год выпуска 2013

Форма выпуска 160x240

The Vietnam War ripped America apart and charted the nation"s tumultuous future. In their tens of thousands, young men went off to fight in what was an initially popular war only to face defeat and acrimony as national resolve wavered - and returned home to a nation that reviled them and tried to forget about them. Written by Andrew Wiest, the bestselling author of The Boys of "67: Charlie Company"s War in Vietnam this book traces the American experience of Vietnam from the war"s popular inception to its morale-crushing and bitter conclusion.