An Eye for a Horse: Conformation Levering for the Athletic Equine

Цена 70.38 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781478150824


Страниц 166

Год выпуска 2012

Develop an eye for a horse. With the many contradictions involved with the standard text book conformation, the author has set about researching many facets of equine conformation from scratch. This has been accomplished with software specifically developed with the intention of not only identifying desired traits, but further analyzing the not so perfect traits, that often provide hidden benefits. The author has applied his knowledge in a practical way and in layman terms for the horse person. This information relates form to function, and goes beyond the standard text book taking both the reader and equine analysis into the scientific realm of levering. Rather than looking for traits of the classic show horse, the author analyses the unique traits that are preferred for varied disciplines such as dressage, barrel racing, show jumping, eventing etc. Chapters initially written as stand alone articles, so some information will cross. FULL COLOR VERSION.