Spare Me

Цена 7.35 - 8.35 USD

"If only I had more time I would be able to accomplish those dreams that now seem like distant memories." If this sentiment has ever crossed the horizon of your mind, then author Terence L. Thomas"s life-changing Spare Me: Seven Steps to Redeeming Your Time is for you. Join Thomas in digging up the valuable gold nuggets necessary to make good use of the time that you have been allotted. Seven Steps to Redeeming Your Time is an easy-to-read roadmap that will guide you on your journey from barely living to abundant living by helping you to trim the fat off your schedule and manage your spare time wisely. We can"t get our time back, but we can redeem the time we have left by making good use of it. Thomas has wisely utilized the principles in the Gospels and broken them into simple terms that will have you laughing as well as learning. For this reason, you can read Spare Me: Seven Steps to Redeeming Your Time in bed, in the classroom, or simply in your precious spare time.