The Alchemy of Happiness

Цена 6.62 - 10.35 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781596053694

Брэнд Cosimo Inc

Страниц 104

Год выпуска 2005

Those who deny the reality of the ecstasies and other spiritual experiences of the Sufis merely betray their own narrow-mindedness and shallow insight.-from "Concerning Music and Dancing"One of the great works of mystical religious literature, the Kimiya-i-Sa'adaat strove to bring man closer to understanding God by helping him understand himself. These excerpts from that work, by a strikingly original thinker on Islam who lived and wrote in the 11th century, were first published in 1910, and serve as a potent reminder of how powerful an influence Al-Ghazzali had upon religious philosophers of the Middle Ages, both Christian and Islamic. With its wise and warmly humanistic outlook, this little book may well foster a new measure of understanding in the current philosophical battle between the religious traditions of East and West.Also available from Cosimo Classics: Field's Shadows Cast Before and Jewish Legends of the Middle Ages.Iranian theologian AL-GHAZALI (1058-1111) was medieval Islam's most prominent scholar and philosopher.CLAUD FIELD is also author of Mystics and Saints of Islam, Heroes of Missionary Enterprise, and Persian Literature.