Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Volume 71
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1883 Excerpt: ... workers, and use a spade and barrow well. From the other side of India, Cutchees come with carts; other tribes with bullocks and donkeys, to carry the earth in bags. For ordinary canal clearance the Sindee "harees," or cultivators, have to bo depended upon. They are independent and deceitful where work is concerned, and cheat in earthwork excavations; it takes a good deal of experience to detect their frauds. However, with a little tact they will, in an emergency, do work which no extra wages would induce them to do. The total area of the plains of Sind is about 20,689,000 acres, of which about 11,578,000 consist of barren land: the population was, in 1869, about 1,578,000; so that there are about 5-77 acres of cultivated or cultivable land per head of population. Irrigation is...