Recollections of fly fishing for salmon, trout and grayling, with notes on their haunts, habits and history

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1884 edition. Excerpt: ...These fish, however, are at times very capricious. In some rivers they will take nothing but large salmon flies, in others nothing but small flies; for instance, in the Ailort, a big fly on No. 5 hook must be used; some fifteen miles farther west, in the Morrar, not a fish will look at a big fly; go still further, and in the Elchaig, on the west coast of Ross-shire, a mediumsized Blue or Black Doctor will raise almost every fish in the river; again, in the Aline Water, a Black Palmer with scarlet body and gold twist, or a small Harriet, gives better sport than any other fly. As Mr. Francis says, Sea Trout, when hooked, are almost as much out of the water as in; their leaps are surprising, one after the other in quick succession, and often they leap themselves off the...