Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk- In a Narrative of Her Sufferings.
Цена 13.45 - 25.85 USD
Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk- In a Narrative of her sufferings, during a residence of five years as a novice, and two years as a black nun, in the Hotel Dieu Nunnery at Montreal. Includes additional infomation and confirmation.. To which is added, the Nun or six months" residence in a convent- by Rebecca Theresa Reed. PREFACE. It is hoped that the reader of the ensuing narrative will not suppose that it is a fiction, or that the scenes and persons that I have delineated, had not a real existence. It is also desired, that the author of this volume may be regarded not as a voluntary participator in the very guilty transactions which are described but receive sympathy for the trials which she has endured, and the peculiar situation in which her past experience, and escape from the power of the Superior of the Hotel Dieu Nunnery, at Montreal, and the snares of ,the Roman Priests in Canada, have left her. My feelings are frequently distressed and agitated by the recollection of what I...